Friday, January 2, 2009


Hi... Today's been so frustrating... Since my breaks went out and it's gonna be a whopping amount of like six hundred to get that fixed, new tires that I desperately need before winter really kicks in, and whatever other crap that's wrong with it, I've been looking at cars.. Found a cute Mercury Mariner for like ten thousand, test drove it and everything.. It's got eighty two thousand miles on it which is a crap load for only being a 2006, but we though we'd try it out anyway to just get information and crap.. Reguardless of the car, I went to the credit union today and since my credit is new and whatever else, even though it's good, and I've only been at my job for a year they're gonna charge me 9% interest and like.. whatever. I don't even wanna get into it. I know everyone goes through the stage of building credit and whatever else, it just sucks when you have to pay out the ass for car repairs, just to most likely have something go up on it again later... and just... life. It could be so much worse. I'm not trying to complain because I know God will protect me in that thing... and I know there's something out there, in His timing, I'll be buying sooner or later... it's just ughhhhhhh! And to make it even more stressful and dissappointing, Dad had a really really great interview with a company today, and even though he's at the point where he doesn't trust anyone, almost even if he does have the job, he kinda thought maybe this might be the one... Nope. Sure enough, they called him and said it had been filled that day (like right after Dad's interview) by someone else. And that's all well and good, but Dad's experienced in this type of work. It's what he's done for the past like 25 years or something. Whatever... I'm just dissappointed in the world and money. Everything's so greedy and fast pased and expensive and blah blah blah... Tyler and I are moving to the woods somewhere where no one will know we're there. I'll crochet us a house out of weeds and we'll eat squirrels and toads.

I'm off to shower and make some coffee and wait for Sweetie to get home so we can play Bond on 64 and forget about money, lol.

1 comment:

Brandee said...

Ooo yay, a Kirsten blog! I just noticed you're "following" me... :)

Ugh, I HATED trying to build up credit... luckily it didn't take too long, but it was still a pain. I wish I had an extra car that I could just give you!