Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Icy Wednesday!

Whew, wow.. it's so freaking icy out! The road are fine, but everything else looks like Winter Narnia Iceland! I had to spend the night at Tyler's last night because it was so icy on the roads, and today, it had melted and the roads were pretty much fine, but I still decided to take a day off of work to get my license renewed, finish cleaning my room, odds and ends stuff around here.. long overdue. =) And I figure the new year is the best time to get that stuff done. I got to sleep with Baby Girl! She's so cuddly and adorable... She woke up and remembered she was sleeping with me and drenched my face in slobber. I loved it!

So after all that crap happened with my car, my CELL phone broke now! The thing just completely broke in half! So I went to Wal*Mart and got the cheapy forty dollar track phone thing.. I got the one with a camera but its so darn small and my numbers didn't copy over either. So I have no numbers, no pictures, none of my videos... It's really okay, I'm going to live, it just was like... ughhhhhh. So now I have this teeny tiny phone that I'm probly gonna lose in like five minutes because I won't be able to see it. Let's hope my glasses aren't what breaks next! Lol.

So nothing really else to say except that I'm cozy at home, about to make some popcorn, and run upstairs to clean clean clean. It's mostly do my laundry, lol. Maybe I'll make a cup of gormet hot chocolate in my new mug, both from my lovey for Christmas. =) Well I'm off...

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