Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mmmm... The Wonderful Smells of Christmas...

Christmas has so many great aspects... obviously, the TRUE meaning... but then there's the gift wrapping.. the annual trip to Valley View.. the family, friends, silly work parties, Secret Santas... I just love it. I can't believe Christmas Eve is tomorrow though! Where'd the time go?? It's like, I can't wait for it to get here so bad but then when it does... I'm like, oh Christmas, can't you stay a little longer??? Hehe..

Anyways, so my breaks went out yesterday on my way to work like four times... and times meaning, they worked some, and didn't some. Scary stuff! So Roger's got my car till further notice. He came and towed it from my work today. So while I'm waiting on Tyler to come get me from home, after dropping me off here after work, I'm going to make some Holiday Cinnamon Raisin bread to take with us to Nanny and Opa's on Christmas! Mmmm....

Sleigh Bells riiing.....
Are you listenin??
In the laaane...
Snow is glistenin'...

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