Monday, May 4, 2009


so i'm officially starting school today! i received my first unit from the postman today and am more excited than i can describe!! woooo!!! =) it's such a gift from god. i can't believe there's a school out there like this. i can do it at my own leisure... i mail them my work... and i learn in my bedroom. or living room. or outside. where i want to. no duedates. no deadlines. just chill, fun learning. and i get this nifty ID card so i can get into "press only" places like stadiums and concerts and crap. =) i can't wait to start being a real photographer and get paid every day for doing something i love the most. i've taken pictures since i was little! i remeber getting my first camera. it was a nikon. =) just a regular old camera with a shutter button and like, two settings. but i was ten so i was like "whoa!" and then my first digital... an $100 piece of crap, honestly, haha.. then my canon digital.. then my beloved nikon slr... i'm saving now to get a digital slr. as much as i love film, i wanna learn how to develop in a dark room first so i dont have to spend tons of money developing. plus i wanna develop my own photos myself. ahhhh i'm so stoked!! my advisor seems pretty cool too.. is his site, he's got lots of amazing wildlife photography on there.. i was really impressed! so pizza hut is gonna have to suffice for a little while longer until i'm shooting waves or birds or (maybe til i make it big)- senior photos. haha. anyways... recently been obsessing over joe purdy too. he's amazing. "i'm gonna write you a song..." anyways, ok time for me to go get something to eat before i go to bwi and pick up becster!! <3 peace out!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hi =)

Hello to whoever reads this, if anyone... lol. Today is the day after a LOVELY Valentine's Day with my sweetiepie... We went to Starry Night Cafe for coffee and little crumpet things, then to Olive Garden for a lovely hour and a half wait before dining on the Tour of Italy and some Steak and Veggies, then saw He's Just Not That Into You. I loved that movie!! I cried of course. =) Hehe.. then went home to Tyler's to relax, drink some wine, and enjoy each other's loveness. It was very very special and nice... Definitely a good day.

So work still sucks big time. I need to look harder for a new job. I'm not doing it as diligently as I need to for some reason. So I'm going to do some of that today, alongside laundry and maybe some painting.. We'll see. Tyler's away in VA visiting his g-ma in the hospital.

Anyways.. cya.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Little Angel!

Welcome to the world, Ella Kate Markle!!! I can't wait to meet her!!! From the texts I got on my cell phone, she's absolutely beautiful... Sweetest little lips... I'm so happy for the Markles!! Sarah just had baby Elli, and Anne's about to give birth to baby Kate, and Brandee just had Ella Kate! =) Hehe.. Sigh. I can't wait to have babies! Well, I can. I'm broke. And not married. But I still can't wait!

Today was an okay day, work is getting so annoying and I really have to look for something else ASAP. They're getting so meticulous about everything. Not that you shouldn't work and work well, but things like... well, it'd be pointless to explain it because you don't work there. But whew.

I'm gonna go take a shower and wait for Tyler to get home so we can talk about our books. We're reading Captivating and Wild At Heart together. Can't wait to see Baby Girl! I've been going through withdraw!!!

Nighty Night!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Cause I... Love the Way You Say Good Morning..."

I've been obsessed with Ingrid Michaelson lately.. her music is so cool. =)

Church this morning was nice, it's always nice going up there. Very comfortable. It was extra special to leave having it snowing outside!! So pretty! Just a little white treat because now it's stopped and it doesn't even look like it did snow at all!

So now I'm getting ready to leave and go pick up Tyler so we can come back here for pork chop dinner! Twice-baked potatoes... Apple fritters... Mmmm.. Then I think we're going back to Tyler's to watch the game and drink some brew! Just the two of us... =)

What a cozy day... Sucks work starts back up tomorrow. I really need to start looking for other jobs.. I gotta get my resume done this week with PDP on there and just start faxing it out to places.

Sigh.... Alrighty. Time to go get my baby!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Icy Wednesday!

Whew, wow.. it's so freaking icy out! The road are fine, but everything else looks like Winter Narnia Iceland! I had to spend the night at Tyler's last night because it was so icy on the roads, and today, it had melted and the roads were pretty much fine, but I still decided to take a day off of work to get my license renewed, finish cleaning my room, odds and ends stuff around here.. long overdue. =) And I figure the new year is the best time to get that stuff done. I got to sleep with Baby Girl! She's so cuddly and adorable... She woke up and remembered she was sleeping with me and drenched my face in slobber. I loved it!

So after all that crap happened with my car, my CELL phone broke now! The thing just completely broke in half! So I went to Wal*Mart and got the cheapy forty dollar track phone thing.. I got the one with a camera but its so darn small and my numbers didn't copy over either. So I have no numbers, no pictures, none of my videos... It's really okay, I'm going to live, it just was like... ughhhhhh. So now I have this teeny tiny phone that I'm probly gonna lose in like five minutes because I won't be able to see it. Let's hope my glasses aren't what breaks next! Lol.

So nothing really else to say except that I'm cozy at home, about to make some popcorn, and run upstairs to clean clean clean. It's mostly do my laundry, lol. Maybe I'll make a cup of gormet hot chocolate in my new mug, both from my lovey for Christmas. =) Well I'm off...

Friday, January 2, 2009


Hi... Today's been so frustrating... Since my breaks went out and it's gonna be a whopping amount of like six hundred to get that fixed, new tires that I desperately need before winter really kicks in, and whatever other crap that's wrong with it, I've been looking at cars.. Found a cute Mercury Mariner for like ten thousand, test drove it and everything.. It's got eighty two thousand miles on it which is a crap load for only being a 2006, but we though we'd try it out anyway to just get information and crap.. Reguardless of the car, I went to the credit union today and since my credit is new and whatever else, even though it's good, and I've only been at my job for a year they're gonna charge me 9% interest and like.. whatever. I don't even wanna get into it. I know everyone goes through the stage of building credit and whatever else, it just sucks when you have to pay out the ass for car repairs, just to most likely have something go up on it again later... and just... life. It could be so much worse. I'm not trying to complain because I know God will protect me in that thing... and I know there's something out there, in His timing, I'll be buying sooner or later... it's just ughhhhhhh! And to make it even more stressful and dissappointing, Dad had a really really great interview with a company today, and even though he's at the point where he doesn't trust anyone, almost even if he does have the job, he kinda thought maybe this might be the one... Nope. Sure enough, they called him and said it had been filled that day (like right after Dad's interview) by someone else. And that's all well and good, but Dad's experienced in this type of work. It's what he's done for the past like 25 years or something. Whatever... I'm just dissappointed in the world and money. Everything's so greedy and fast pased and expensive and blah blah blah... Tyler and I are moving to the woods somewhere where no one will know we're there. I'll crochet us a house out of weeds and we'll eat squirrels and toads.

I'm off to shower and make some coffee and wait for Sweetie to get home so we can play Bond on 64 and forget about money, lol.