Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Sigh.... I just love this time of year... Have I said that yet?? Jesse and I were planning on surprising Mom and Dad with the tree all set up somehow and Jesse was going to get the tree today, a big fat tall one!, and I was going to come home from work.. wait for them to fall asleep.. and then we were going to put everything up and decorate!! We always go to Thomas's Tree Farm on route 30, but Jesse was at the dance team practice so he couldn't make it in time. (No, he's not taking dance lessons, he goes to Alex's dance team's practices) in case you were wondering... So he told me that and I was all sorts of bummed. But then, he texted back saying he found a tree near PetSmart for fifty bucks!! Haha who cares!!! So the tree is lounging around up on the picnic table in the woods waiting for us to rescue it from the cold and bring it inside to be adorned with lights, garland, and ornaments... Mmmm... I can't wait!! They're going to be so surprised and excited when they come down tomorrow and see it!

So on my way home I stopped by the Norris's to drop of some gloves I made for Sara to buy for her boyfriend, which was really fun. I visited for a while and Miss Bobbi gave me three bottles of wine she didn't want! Woo! =) And we started thinking of some ideas for a Christmas Sing/Pot Luck we want to plan for sometime in the next few weeks since the Kirkridge family isn't going to be able to spend Christmas Eve or Advent or anything together really.. and us kids can do the music. I think it sounds wonderfully Christmasy and cozy...

So now I'm off to smoke a stoge and wait for Tyler to get here, then hopefully Mom will head upstairs and Dad shortly thereafter to begin the mission!

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