Sunday, November 30, 2008

Rainy Day...

Tyler and I took our cars this morning to Firestone for oil changes and new wipers, both we each needed tremendously!! So now I'm home, wrapped some presents, and am about to make a Pumpkin dish to take down to Tyler's dad's for dinner this evening. I should really be doing my huge pile of laundry but ah well. I love having my gifts wrapped the second I buy them. A- so they don't see them by accident and B- so it's done! I've piled them all around the Christmas tree i set up in my room in front of my window. It looks so sweet and cozy.. I remember last year when Tyler was living here and our little tree in the basement. I'd like to set up another one at his house this year in the basement but who knows how that will go over. I can't wait until we have our own space to celebrate and decorate the holidays together.. Sigh. Alright, gotta go finish the dessert!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Warm & Cozy

So I just got back from doing a little early Christmas shopping! It's two days after Thanksgiving so the spirit is there, but I love shopping really really close to Christmas.. when it's cold and there's all the hustle and bustle... =) Tonight we're doing our Cook family tradition of piling into the car and going down to Valley View to each pick out an ornament. The past few years I come out having spent about fifty bucks! I just love the International Gift Shop... But it's Tyler's third year coming with us and this year Jesse's bringing his girlfriend Evie! It's always a nice time, we always go out to dinner somewhere and when we get there, Mom always makes us close our eyes before we walk in so when we open them, we're surprised by the glorious Christmas lights and decorations!

So I got a few things for Tyler, a couple for Mary, tons for Myah =) and some stocking stuffers for my brother.. I'm so broke this year! I love to go all out on Christmas, but this year I'm going to have to stay diciplined! It's just so hard when everything's so cute!!! Gotta go get ready for tonight... Maybe when we get back we'll watch home alone with some hot chocolate!